Rain Guardian Biofiltration Video
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60-90% Removal of Sediment and Gross Solids
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Foxhole - Concrete Structure
Turret -Concrete Structure
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Bunker - Recycled Plastic
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  • Rain Guardian Biofiltration Video
  • 60-90% Removal of Sediment and Gross Solids
  • Foxhole - Concrete Structure
  • Turret -Concrete Structure
  • Bunker - Recycled Plastic
  • Downloads
Rain Guardian Video
Informational Video about the Rain Guardian Product. Find out more about the Bunker, Turret & Foxhole
Capacity & Extend Effective Life
Maximize Capacity & Extend Effective Life
Grate/filter/chamber combination captures sediment and debris. Overflow points prevent inlet debris from causing bypass before bioretention reaches capacity.
Simplify Maintenance
Sediment and debris removed from chamber with shovel. Drop in filter cleaned with broom or hose.
Easy Installation
Easy Installation
Placement and securing take only minutes. New construction or retrofits.

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